Friday, December 27, 2019

Static and Dynamic Characters of the Crucible - 1381 Words

Static and Dynamic Characters of The Crucible The Crucible is a play about the Salem witch trials. Its main characters are richly developed and varied. They consist of a Reverend and his niece; a married couple with their share of problems, along with their servant; and a minister called to the town because of his experience in the field of witchcraft. Each of these characters mentioned have their own traits that they bring to the plot of the story. When examined closely they can each be classified as either static or dynamic by the way their characteristics develop throughout the tale. Reverend Parris is a minister in the town of Salem. As a very static character, his characteristics, for the most part, remain the same. In the†¦show more content†¦This is an example of how great her love is for John, because she will go against her morals and sin by lying in order for him to live. Her plan backfires, though, because instead of this saving Johns life, it leads toShow MoreRelatedJohn Hale Character Analysis896 Words   |  4 Pagessummoned to Salem, a town full of supposed witches, manipulative children, a corrupt government, and depraved leaders, yet he takes on an impossible task of saving the wicked from themselves. Playwright Arthur Millers 1950’s play, The Crucible, displays static character John Hale as a determined, willing, young man who stays true to his morals and remains righteous and compassionate throughout the work. Beginning to end, John Hale exhibits consistent traits as an eager and zealous individual, althoughRead MoreRhetorical Ana lysis Of Arthur Miller s The Crucible 1251 Words   |  6 PagesIn The Crucible, Arthur Miller employs many rhetorical and poetic elements to depict the changing nature of relationships between the play’s characters. 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However, their personalities show some striking dissimilarities. Unlike Hale, Reverend Parris is characterized by extreme paranoia and egotism. He is very static- his traits and motives remain consistent from the beginning to the end of the play. Although a religious man and believer in witchcraft like Parris, Hale values human life and is motivated by personal beliefsRead Moredead poets society Essay1610 Wo rds   |  7 Pagesbelonging is one of the essential needs of any human being. Belonging can be seen in the prescribed text of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, Peter Weir’s Dead Poets Society Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter, where the central characters are driven by their need to belong or not belong which is ultimately stimulated by the world people around them. The Crucible is based on the Salem community found in Massachusetts, a small religious Puritan village of New England on the true story ofRead MoreEssay on The Dramatic Intensity of The Crucible’s Courtroom Scene4462 Words   |  18 PagesIn this assignment I am going to investigate the Dramatic Intensity of The Crucible’s courtroom scene. I am going to do this by exploring the language used, how the characters develop and how Arthur miller unfolds the plot to keep the reader interested and how emotion and feelings dictate the movements of the play. The Crucible is set against the backdrop of the mad hunts of the Salem witch trials in the late 17th century. It is about a town, after accusations from a few girls, which beginsRead MoreAnalysis Of Arthur Miller s The Crucible 3926 Words   |  16 PagesA.P. English Language August 11, 2014 Novel Analysis Assignment The Crucible by Arthur Miller Plot and Conflict At its core, The Crucible is a chilling depiction of a community engulfed by hysteria. A fanatically religious community in Salem, Massachusetts becomes embroiled in a witch-hunt initiated by a group of adolescent girls. At the start of the play, Reverend Parris finds his teenage daughter, Betty Parris, â€Å"sick† in bed after she, along with his niece Abigail, his slave Tituba, and a fewRead MoreMedia Magic Making Class Invisible2198 Words   |  9 PagesWhat Is The Primary Cause For MacbethS Descent Into Wickedness? 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(Indirect charac.) --what the character says: Aw

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Global Warming And Its Impact On The Contemporary World

Global warming has been deteriorating, and criticised by the entire world environmental organisations throughout the contemporary world. This phenomenon is mainly associated be human made pollutions and wastes emitted through the global industrialisation. Out of this global issue, modern architects has started to design architectures which included the concern of sustainability. Sustainable architecture can be divided in three different core parts: sustainable materials, sustainable construction and sustainable technologies. Moreover, sustainable architectural materials will be the aim in this report due to the reasons that exploring various types of sustainable architectural materials and how architects had applied those materials on the architecture design are always a popular topic, also materials would be an important section that people could be easily understood and noticed in their daily life. Furthermore, the research will be tended to focus on researching new kind of sustain able materials in the contemporary architectural world based in some article and books written by the architectural professionals, and seek for innovate sustainable materials that might have not been in common used for architecture. The research on this project aims to examine sustainability in architectural aspect, also, the advantage that sustainable architecture has been made in modern architecture. LITERATURE REVIEW The topic of green designs and global warming has been springing up asShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Slavoj Zizek : Ecology, Garbage And The Environment847 Words   |  4 Pagesis generated and its affect on the environment; the natural resources are being depleted; and how the natural balance of nature has been interrupted, resulting in global warming, also how technology has impacted the world around us. Society has become accustom to living a certain way, these habits have contributed to the global warming. Although half of society have started to grasp the importance of recycling, and using bio-degrade able material, the other half of society have not. Most people ofRead MoreThe Environmental Problem Of Global Warming Essay1058 Words   |  5 Pages Global warming Name: Institution: Course: Date: Global warming The main environmental problem facing the world today is global warming. Many scientists believe that production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases has a heating effect on the atmosphere, and this could be very dangerous for human life. This essay will examine the problem of global warming and suggest some ways of solving the problem. Numerous issues could come about because of global warming. One of the problemsRead MoreSci 207 Complete Class Essay1308 Words   |  6 PagesThese are discussed in Chapter Four of Contemporary Environmental Issues, which includes production of all types of consumer goods as well as consumption of environmental resources. Discuss efforts that must be considered about these production and consumption habits in order to sustain the global population? SCI 207 Week 1 LAB Population Biology Complete the first part of this lab at Footprint Calculator (accessible through the Labs section of Contemporary Environmental Issues). You will useRead MoreRenewable Energy And Climate Change1477 Words   |  6 PagesRenewable Energy and Climate Change Global warming and climate change is one of the most pressing issues in the contemporary society given its continued impacts on human life and the world’s ecosystem. The considerable effects of this issue have raised huge concerns among policymakers, governments, and the public. As a result, various initiatives have been developed in attempts to lessen global warming or climate change, especially those related to reducing the emission of greenhouse gases toRead MoreGlobal Warming: Contemporary Issues Companion1526 Words   |  7 Pagesscientific experts assembled by the United Nations, released a frightening report on the potential consequences of the climate phenomenon known as global warming. The panel found that the 1990s had been the warmest decade on record and predicted that temperatures will rise anywhere from 2.5 to 10.4 degrees around the world over the next century, causing changes to global weather patterns. Indeed, unusual and frequently destructive weather had been occurring around the globe: twenty-seven inches of rain inRead MoreIs Global Warming Due to Human Actions? Can the Human Race Take Action to Stop Global Warming?1529 Words   |  7 PagesNovember 19, 2012 Outline Is global warming due to human actions? Can the human race take action to stop global warming? Introduction Thesis Statement: Yes, human actions are definitely a factor in global warming. The fact that there have been natural cycles of climate change since earths formation, in past and recent centuries humans have influenced global climate change through the emission of greenhouse gases. The actions that humans should take to stop global warming are to reduce the greenhouseRead MoreThe Warm Blue Dot : Evidence For Anthropological Global Warming1638 Words   |  7 PagesAnthropological Global Warming Introduction Throughout the long history of the Earth, the global climate has fluctuated drastically, ranging from tropical to glacial. In the mid-18th century, the Industrial Revolution began, and humanity began a bilateral campaign: one waged with the goal of achieving a prosperous, industrialized future, and another, inadvertently waged against the environment. The purpose of this literature review is to examine the influence of anthropological global warming on the overallRead More Fossil Fuel Consumption, Co2 And Its Impact On Global Climate1580 Words   |  7 Pages Fossil Fuel Consumption, CO2 and Its Impact on Global Climate Background: At the beginning of human history, we had to satisfy our energy needs (for food, heat and movement) by using our own muscle power and gathering or hunting naturally available plants, animals and wood. Each stage in the evolution of human society (the development of farming, domestication of animals, harnessing of wind and water power) increased the average per capita energy use, but it was the Industrial Revolution and theRead MoreThe Debate On Global Warming1239 Words   |  5 Pagescontroversy concerning global warming. The controversy takes the form of public debate that centers on five issues (Mazo 30). The first issue is whether or not global warming is occurring. The second issue is whether global warming is real and extent it has occurred in the recent decades. The third question relates to the causes of global warming. The fourth question centers on the effects of global warming. The fifth question is whether any action needs to be taken to contain global warming. The author concursRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Easter s End By Jared Diamond1293 Words   |  6 PagesGlobal warming is the greatest issue facing our planet and it has been acknowledged and discussed by many scientists throughout the world, yet ignored and unresolved. It has created a catastrophe and has produced immutable destruction to the environment and society. For years, global w arming was a scientific theory that was not taken seriously, except by scientists, but now many are being aware that the temperature of the earth is increasing due to negligent acts of society. Society has now started

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Approaches to Understanding Motivation

Questions: 1: Why do you think there are so many different theories or approaches to understanding motivation? 2: Shouldn't it be possible to determine which one is best and just use it? 3: Why or why not? Answers: Motivation is one of the major factors that contribute in stimulating desire as well as energy in the people to be committed in a job, role along with making a proper effort to attain the goal. Therefore, it can be stated that this is such a part of human life that can be interpreted in several ways. For this reason, there are several motivational theorists and the concept, perception and the attitude of motivation has changed with the course of time. The classicalists theorists have explained motivation differently and so as the behaviouralists (Petri and Govern 2012). Besides that, it can be seen that the Contemporaneous theorists have analyzed motivation in a different way and this is because of the fact that motivation can be explained from different perspectives (Ankli and Palliam 2012). The way Henri Fayol, Max Weber and Taylor have explained the theory of motivation, Elton Mayo, Chris Argyris and Herzberg have explained the theory from some other perspectives. Therefore, it is clearly understood that motivation is such a topic that can be accessed from several viewpoints and thus with the course of time, the concept of motivation has changed significantly in the viewpoints of the theorists. However, it can be stated that the concept of motivation varies from every people in the society and the viewpoint of a manager on motivation varies largely from the viewpoint of the workers (Kerr 2014). However, considering the nature of motivation, it can be stated that it is not possible for any of the persons to determine one particular theory of motivation among all the existing theories. All the theories have their own perspectives and best at explaining motivation from their point of view. Therefore, it is almost impossible to identify one particular theory as the best theory of motivation. The concepts and the explanations of the motivation theories have differed from one theory to another and thus the explanation differs. Therefore, no particular theory can be identified as the best theory of motivation (Schunk and Zimmerman 2012). Main aim of Taylor was to increase productivity in the organization and on the other hand, Gant introduced Gantt chart following Taylor. Maslows Hierarchy of Needs theory and McGregors Theory X and Theory Y have two different perspectives and main aim of both the theories were to focus on the need of motivation from different perspectives (Malik a nd Naeem 2013). It has been seen from the previous research work that from the beginning, motivation theories have gained enough importance and thus many theorists have worked on this. Each of the theories has tried their best to motivate people both in society, in organization at the highest level, so that they reach the best level (Nuttin 2014). Therefore, each of them have their own set of objectives and based on that, the outcomes automatically vary from one to another. Therefore, it is not proper at all to determine one theory as the best theory of motivation and other as less important (Schunk and Zimmerman 2012). References Ankli, R.E. and Palliam, R., 2012. Enabling a motivated workforce: exploring the sources of motivation.Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal,26(2), pp.7-10. Kerr, J.H., 2014.Motivation and emotion in sport: Reversal theory. Psychology Press Malik, M.E. and Naeem, B., 2013. Towards understanding controversy on Herzberg theory of motivation.World Applied Sciences Journal,24(8), pp.1031-1036. Nuttin, J., 2014.Future time perspective and motivation: Theory and research method. Psychology Press. Petri, H. and Govern, J., 2012.Motivation: Theory, research, and application. Cengage Learning. Schunk, D.H. and Zimmerman, B.J. eds., 2012.Motivation and self-regulated learning: Theory, research, and applications. Routledge.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tori Amos free essay sample

# 8211 ; Me And A Gun Essay, Research Paper Tori Amos stalking ballad Me and a Gun invites its audience to listen to the emotional head province of a late violated day of the month colza victim. Ms. Amos voice is taught and sounds scarily entirely unaccompanied by musical instruments. Immediately the hearer is made cognizant of the badness of the tone of this piece. As the vocal progresses, the narrative unfolds and the audience is informed of the in writing nature of the offense against the adult female whose narrative we are hearing. She was raped ; face down, on the goon of an antique Cadillac Seville. Amos lyrical inside informations addition for the hearer the feeling of merely how dehumanising the act of forced sexual activity can be for a adult female. The victim admirations if it was her pick of frock, a slinky ruddy thing, that lead her assailant to believe the onslaught was welcomed. We will write a custom essay sample on Tori Amos or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Amos vocal onslaughts socially upheld beliefs about colza. One of these normally held myths is that rapers are aliens skulking in back streets, ready to assail. The fact of the affair is, more frequently than non a raper knows his victim personally before the onslaught occurs. The 2nd myth that Amos confronts in Me and a Gun is that adult females provoke rapers by dressing or moving a certain manner. This kind of thought pestilence s American society. Often heard are the choruses of she was inquiring for it or what does a adult female expect go forthing the house in an outfit like that. To some, these types of statements might sound antique and laughably fusty, but one would be dismissive to non acknowledge that many people still subscribe to this manner of thought. Sadly, adult females are less than safe in a universe whose citizens believe in those sorts of thoughts. Sexual power kineticss are non to be taken lightly. To disregard the right of the female to state no is to disregard the ability of the female to do any determination at all. As incrimination continues to fall upon the victim, our society and its gender dealingss continue to endure. It is work like that done by Tori Amos that may assist to promote misinformed persons to open their eyes and ears to the truths about male and female sexual power. Me and a Gun is a chillingly beautiful and compelling vocal whose message is all the more affecting when delivered with Amos forthcoming vocal tone. However, prowess aside, Tori Amos vocal gives the hearer an chance to see at a safe distance, the dramatic emotions colza can elicit and possibly will edify the hearer to believe more critically about normally upheld beliefs about colza victims.